Welcome to A2 media

This is my second blog for A-level media and will record my A2 coursework and the final stages in completing my two-year course. In my final year, we explore the musical endorsement involved within the music industry.

I will undertake a range of planning and research tasks which will lead me to produce:

  • A music video of a song of my choice
  • A CD cover to suit my published music video
  • A webpage for my chosen artist/band

The main use for this blog will be to record the stages I carry out including research, planning, filming and editing. To ensure that I make the best possible product I will begin by research what makes a ‘good’ music video, what is a music video and also what genres are most popular and how the particular genre of a film edits the style of music video.  It will also allow me to evaluate my progress and my finished products.

Welcome to the diary of A2 media coursework. Enjoy